Monday, June 12, 2006

Film and TV

My film experience has given me the opportunity to play a range of roles – emotional, comic, classic, sexy, innocent and evil – from a young woman attacked by vampires such as in the Buffy adaption, to a wise Iraqi women in Warzone (I had to learn the accent in 4 days and I still get great feedback from this film.)

Feature Films

Ed and Bela (Pre-Production) --- Role:Female Satan --- Dir:Karl Emmett/Screenplay: Leslie Morris

Satan incarnate as an evil hardcore business woman

Questions --- Role: Hooker --- Dir: Matthew Scott

It's so fun to be sexy

Short Films
"The One I Want" --- Role: Sarah --- Dir: Karl Emmett

"Seequence" (Mocumentary) --- Role:Elizabeth --- Dir: Belinda Inacio Lam --- UTS Film Productions

"Assumtions" --- Role: Maya --- Dir: Bastien Chapignac --- School of Visual Arts

A young woman in Love who meets with an unexpected and nasty death - I great chance to work with fake blood make-up.

"House for Sale" --- Role: Katie --- Dir: Anna Hradrilova --- School of Visual Arts
A wife playing the game of buying a house she can't afford - this involved energy and comic timing.

"Warzone" --- Role: Anisah --- Dir: Keith Johnson --- MetroScreen
An Iraqi woman with a painful past, learning to understand a wounded Australian soldier.
This role involved a strong ability to understand subtext and meaning. It also involved learning a new accent. An exciting challenge!

"Another Dinner" --- Role: Camilla --- Dir: Jake Park --- UTS Master Film Prod
This film, shot on 16mm, follows the lives of a typical happy family and their discovery of each others’ dark secrets. I played the part of a teenager - unsure about her relationships and who she is. This part involved no speaking. Much emotion and transformation had to be portrayed in expression alone!!
"Walkie Talkie" --- Role: Paris/Kylie --- Dir: Nicky Crowther --- Metroscreen
I did the voice over for a pair of shoes - RM Williams and Minalo Blanics at that!!

"Buffy the Vampire Slayer" (adaption) --- Role: Dawn --- Dir: Joyce Leong --- Sydney Film Base
Battling with a vampire - always fun!!

"Scarface" (adaption) --- Role: Courtney --- Dir: Matt Adamson --- Sydney Film Base

A great experience to work with armaments more fake blood- and an excuse to wear very sexy red boots!!!

Sri-Lankan TeleDrama --- Role: Amanda --- Cicil Fonseka
This was a great experience to work with known actors from Sri-Lanka on a new teledrama that will be shown on National TV in Sri-Lanka

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